Sunday, March 30, 2008

April is ONLY 2 days away!

April is almost HERE... Spring will be gone before we know it and Summer will take it's place!!! It won't be long before you'll be out of school and having fun in the sun!!! I know that we here at Southside are looking forward to the next few weeks... Remember to stay dry and enjoy the "birth" of Spring!!!

Due to a death in Church Staff Family, we didn't post a BLOG on this past Thursday, as usual. At any rate, all the same announcements hold true to date...

Please remember to pray for Rev. Bailey Sr's. Family... Pastor B., Mrs. Esther, Logan, Bailey, Luke and everyone else affected by his death!

DONT FORGET the Indpls. Children's Talent Faire is THIS SATURDAY, April 5th!!! We'll leave the church parking lot at 8:00A.M. sharp. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Doris or Mrs. Shelly ASAP!!!

God is goodness
God is love...
Those who open
their hearts door;
grow to love Him
more and more...

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Spring is such an exciting time! Things begin to grow and the world becomes colorful again after a long cold and dreary winter! The beauty God created can be seen ALL AROUND YOU! We, at Southside Kidz, trust you'll have a wonderful Easter and a great Spingtime, too! God is good - if you ever doubt it, just look around at His handiwork and praise Him for His many blessings!!!
Here is a poem we found and wanted to share with each of you...

The world is filled with gladness;

The bells of Easter ring;

Each pure white lily's waking, to welcome infant spring.

Oh, dear little children listen,

And hear what the glad bells say!

The sweetest chime they ever rang - "Our Lord is risen today!"

Birds are flying across the sky;

Their songs ring through the air;

They carol of the Father's love He shows us everywhere.

Oh, dear little children, listen,

And hear what the birdlings say!

The sweetest song they ever sang - "Our Lord is risen today!"

THIS COMING WEDNESDAY NIGHT KIDZ KONNECT WILL HOST OUR FIRST EVER "KARAOKE NITE"... You may bring your own CD or borrow one of ours. The song choices MUST be religeous, patriotic or classical in nature. We look forward to a VERY interesting time together, exploring some of the talents God has given us and of course, there will be some funny moments, too! After all, that's part of why "Karaoke" is such fun!!!

The Indianapolis District Children's Talent Faire has been re-scheduled for Saturday, April 5th!!! Please be prepared to WIN a medal this year - if you have any questions you may refer to the Info Sheet outside of Mrs. Shelly's office, see Mrs. Doris or Mrs. Shelly ASAP!!!

Be sure you share the love of Jesus with everyone you meet... YOU can help to make the world a brighter place just by doing so!!! Again, Happy Easter and we'll be looking for YOU this Sunday!!!


Easter Sunday Morning ONLY -

Jr. Worship with Mrs. Doris and Staff

and Wee Worship with Mrs. Shelly and Staff


(They will be joining the adults for "Easter Family Worship" during this morning service ONLY - THERE WILL BE EXTRA SPECIAL SURPRISES FOR EVERY CHILD PRESENT!!!)

Easter Sunday Staff :

(Holiday Nursery 0-2 yrs. ONLY) A.M. - Kathy Hurst and Theresa Butler

(Holiday Nursery 0-2 yrs. ONLY) P.M. - Shelly and Greg Penn (due to change in schedule for Anita and Mark Kennedy)

March 26th - Wednesday Evening Children's Staff :

Tikes 4 Christ (1-4 yrs. ONLY) - Sally Todd and Theresa Butler

King's Kidz Klub (5-12 yrs. ONLY) - Mark Kennedy and Staff

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Half of March is GONE...

No matter how hard it is to imagine... half of March is GONE!!!
We have a couple of annnouncements we'd like to share with you all.

  • King's Kidz Klub (5-12 yrs.) will be having our monthly Kidz Kraft Night with Mrs. Mari and Staff, this next Wednesday night, March 19th

  • King's Kidz Klub will host our first ever "Karaoke Night", with Mr. Mark and Staff, Wednesday evening, March 26th. We will have a FEW of our CD's for you to choose from OR you may bring your own. (Remember, it must be christian, patriotic or classical!)

  • King's Kidz Klub will celebrate 'Missions' with Mrs. Bonnie and Staff, on Wednesday evening, April 16th

  • Kidz Konnect of Southside (0-12 yrs.) is planning a HUGE surprise for all children present on Easter Sunday morning - - - YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS IT!!!

  • This announcement is for all those involved with Kidz Department of Southside - The Indpls. District Children's Talent Faire has been re-scheduled, for Saturday morning, April 5th - please come prepared to WIN a medal this year!!!

Special Notice (we will now post these weekly schedules each week) :

Palm Sunday, March 16 :

A.M. Nursery Workers (0-2) - Kathy Hurst and Diane McElheney

P.M. Tikes 4 Christ Workers (1-4) - Shelly and Greg Penn

A.M. Wee Worship Workers (3-4) - Hannah Neal and Cynthia Murray (due to change in schedule...)

Wednesday Night, March 19 :

Tikes 4 Christ Workers (1-4) - Stephanie and Kathy Hurst

King's Kidz Klub Workers (5-12) - Mari Fye and Staff

Friday, March 7, 2008

Late Winter Storm; Cause and Effect

Due to the fact, that we've been hit with a late Winter Storm, the District Children's Talent Faire has been postponed for this weekend! It will be rescheduled later in the Spring. We'll keep you up to date as the time gets closer. (The reason this was not posted any earlier is because of a computer 'breakdown'! We apologize!)
We hope you'll be able to attend services with us this Sunday - weather permitting! Don't forget that our very special 'Easter surprise' is just a couple of weeks away! Be sure to invite your family and friends to join in on the fun that day!